|| DRAGONQUEST Newsletter 2003 
|| Volume 8 / Number 1 

The DQ Newsletter is for discussions of the DragonQuest role- 
playing game. The key addresses you need to know are: 

Rodger Thorm (Editor, Article Submissions, Etc.) 

All articles are copyrighted property of their respective 
authors. Reproducing or republishing an article, in whole 
or in part, in any other forum requires permission of the 
author or the moderator. 

C O N T E N T S [v8/n01] 

Editorial -- New Content 


Dragon Magazine Articles, Intro -- Rodger Thorm 

The versatile Magician -- Jon Mattson 

The thrill of the hunt -- Paul Montgomery Crabaugh 

EDITORIAL: The Dragon Articles 
This volume of the DragonQuest Newsletter is going to contain the 
text versions of all of the remaining Dragon magazine articles for 

After this series, the DQN is going to adjust to a new focus.  We 
will roll out the new changes in 2004 with the first issue of 
Volume IX. 

Rodger Thorm 
DQN Editor 

-- Rodger Thorm 

In the early- to mid-1980s, when DragonQuest was still present and 
viable, there was enough interest in it that Dragon magazine ran 
several articles on the game. These articles addressed different 
aspects of DQ and suggested some additional rules that were though to 
be missing from the original rulebook. Some of these included rules 
for swimming (two different articles), hunting, and learning magic. 
The authors were not part of the SPI team (although they may have been 
playtesters), and their articles all seem somewhat at odds with SPI's 
style. Nonetheless, some good material is present, even if it needs 
further modification to be used in a DQ campaign. 

An anonymous contributor recently made .PDF files of all nine Dragon 
magazine articles available. These files are now posted as individual 
articles in the Files section of the DQN-list group 
as well as in a single .ZIP file containing all nine .PDFs which is in 
the Files section of the DQ-rules group 


The nine articles are: 
Travel & threads for DragonQuest 
The versatile Magician 
The thrill of the hunt 
Enhancing the enchanter 
The warrior alternative 
Learn magic by the month 
Going up and getting wet 
Getting in over your head 
For a fuller background 

These articles are also being converted into plain text files by a few 
other dedicated members of the DQ community. These articles will be 
included as a regular part of the DragonQuest Newsletter for the next 
nine issues (starting with this one) to make the files accessible to 
as many people as possible. As soon as we have the entire set of text 
files ready, those will be made available as well. 

Thanks to the following individuals for their help in collecting and 
preparing these articles for the Newsletter: the anonymous contributor 
for supplying the .PDF articles; John Rauchert, John Kahane, and 
Steven Wiles for text conversion and proofreading. 

-- Jon Mattson 
(originally appeared in Dragon Magazine Vol. VI, No. 7 pg. 24) 

The versatile magician 
  New skill for DragonQuest 

by Jon Mattson 

   The Magician in DragonQuest is a jack-of-all-trades in the 
field of magic. As such, he has a much greater variety of spells 
than the average adept of a specific college, but he never 
achieves the great power with each spell that a true wizard 
does. He can, of course, use all three types of minor magic (see 
Case 4.2). 
   A Magician must have a Magic Aptitude rating which is at 
least average (15). He is considered to be Neutrally aligned to 
all colleges of magic, and he will never be accepted into any of 
these colleges. 
   Aside from the exceptions noted below, a Magician is subject 
to all of the restrictions of any other spellcaster. A Magician can 
never achieve a rank of above 5 with any spell except Detect 
Aura; thus, he will never know more spells (other than Detect 
Aura) than are indicated by his Magic Aptitude score (see Case 
34.6). He may increase his rank with rituals and talent magic 
normally, however. 
   1. A Magician gains several basic rituals and spells at 
rank 0. 
   At rank 0, a Magician is able to use the four basic rituals of 
magic; i.e., the Ritual Spells of Preparation, Purification, Investment, 
and Warding (see Case 32). In addition, he is able to 
learn one General Knowledge Counterspell of any college 
(again, the exact spell is his choice). Both of these spells are at 
rank 1 and may be increased through normal experience point 
   2. At rank 1, a Magician gains the Talent Magic spell, 
Detect Aura. 
   This is the same spell that members of the College of Naming 
Incantations receive (see Case 39.3). It is the one spell that a 
Magician can increase beyond rank of 5, and he automatically 
has rank of 1 with it to start with. 
   3. A Magician gains additional spells as he increases in 
   For each rank above 0, the Magician gains one General 
Knowledge spell or one General or Special Knowledge Counterspell 
of his choice from any college he wishes. He may not 
learn additional rituals in this manner. If he is of rank 6 or 
higher, he may instead choose a Special Knowledge spell of 
any college he wishes, subject to the following restrictions: 
A Magician may never possess more Special Knowledge 
spells (including Counterspells) than General Knowledge spells. 
A Magician may never learn Special Knowledge spells of a 
college which is oppositely aligned to any from which he has 
already learned other Special Knowledge spells. For purposes 
of this determination, the following colleges are considered to 
be oppositely aligned (in addition to those listed in case 34.1): 
Air Magics and Earth Magics; Fire Magics and Water Magics; 
Celestial Star Mages and Celestial Dark Mages. 
These additional spells may be increased in rank through 
normal experience point expenditure, but can never be in-creased 
beyond rank of 5 (see Case 87.4). 
   4. A Magician must spend (100 x rank) Silver Pennies 
per year on miscellaneous material components for spell 
   Failure to do this decreases the Magician's rank with all spells 
by two until the fee is paid. Also, if the Magician acquires new 
spells (increases his own rank), he will have to learn them 
normally (taking a number of weeks equal to the ordinal 
number of the spell) instead of getting them automatically. 

Note: A Magician who is also an Alchemist or an Astrologer 
may add 10% of the experience he uses to increase his 
rank into one of these two classes for free, if he progresses 
in the Magician skill and the other skill simultaneously (up to 
two skills may be practiced at once; see Case 87.5). 

Experience Point Cost Chart 
 Magician skill 
Rank  Pts. 
  0   1000 
  1   500 
  2   1000 
  3   1500 
  4   2000 
  5   3000 
  6   4000 
  7   5000 
  8   7000 
  9   10000 
 10   15000 � And each additional rank beyond 10th 

Additional note on magic weapons 
   Using the Ritual of Investment, adepts in DragonQuest are 
able to form certain "charged" magic items such as rings and 
wands. However, the only way to create a weapon which strikes 
more effectively in combat due to its magical nature is by using 
a Ritual of Enchantment, which is only available to members of 
the College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments. If the rules 
suggested below are used, any adept (or Magician, if the first 
part of this article is employed) can create magical weapons 
using the Ritual of Investment. 
   An adept may create a weapon which is temporarily magical 
by performing the Ritual of Investment on it normally, but 
casting no spell into it. Instead, he expends two fatigue points 
for each "plus 1" the weapon will have. Each such plus adds 3% 
to the base chance of hitting, effectively increasing the wielder's 
rank with the weapon by 1, and adding one to the damage done 
if a hit is scored. Thus, a sword plus 3 would add 9% to the 
chance of hitting and do an extra 3 points of damage when it 
scored a hit. A weapon can never be given more plusses than 
the adept's rank with the Ritual. Such a weapon will have a 
number of charges equal to the adept's rank with the Ritual of 
Investment (see Case 32.3), and each successful hit on an 
opponent expends one charge. Anyone can use the weapon's 
magical properties once it is enchanted in this manner, but 
when it has expended all charges, it will revert back to a normal 
   A weapon can be made permanently magical by following the 
above procedure but expending one Magic Aptitude point per 
"plus" instead of two fatigue points. These specific MA points 
are lost permanently, since the adept is pouring his very life 
energy into the enchantment, but they may be regained 
through normal experience point expenditure. A permanent 
magical weapon has no charges, of course, and expends none, 
but it can only be enchanted up to an amount equal to one-half 
of the adept's rank with the Ritual of Investment, rounded 
down; i.e., an adept with rank of 5 in the Ritual of Investment 
could only enchant a plus 1 weapon or plus 2 weapon 
   Note that weapons can be given additional "charged" magical 
spells in the usual manner, even if they are already enchanted 
as described above. Thus, it is possible to have, say, a plus 2 
(permanent) sword with a Spell of Creating Starsword (4 
charges) in it. Also note that weapons can still be enchanted 
normally with a Ritual of Enchantment; these suggestions do 
not change that, they merely expand upon it. 

-- Paul Montgomery Crabaugh 
(originally appeared in Dragon Magazine October 1983, pg. 84-86) 

The thrill of the hunt 
  Dragonquest rules for finding 'fresh' food 

by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh 

   A curious feature -- or lack of feature -- in most fantasy 
role-playing games is the apparent necessity for players in the 
wilderness to carry every gram of food they might need on an 
expedition. The idea of hunting and gathering food seems completely 
beyond the characters; but unless a random encounter turns up 
something edible, a shortfall of rations is potentially catastrophic 
-- and even then, who would want to hunt for food in an environment 
where the only game consists of creatures important enough and 
formidable enough to put on an encounter chart? Mammoth-hunting might 
have been a way for some early humans to make a living, but many more 
of them made an even better dying at it. 
   Being determined to correct this oversight, and running the 
DragonQuest game more than others at the moment, I devised hunting 
rules for parties in the wilds. A new skill -- Hunting (are you 
surprised?) -- turned out to be necessary.  Hunting skill is the 
ability to locate and dispatch from this mortal coil various small, 
lovable, furry animals who are tasty, as well as to locate edible 
trees and reasonably unpolluted water.  The experience costs for the 
skill are: 

Level 0  1    2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10 
Cost  0  200  50  100  150  200  300  400  500  750  1000 

   The way it works is that each day, one or more members of the party 
is/are designated as the hunters for the day. (Don't everybody queue 
up at once.) The catch is that each hunter is assumed to operate 
independently during the day (small game is frightened away by large 
parties), and so encountered creatures may ambush individual hunters 
rather than the main party, there being an even chance for each 
"detachment," including the main body, to be the target of a random 
   The hunter spends a certain number of hours each day hunting. The 
party is slowed to that extent (unless they don't mind losing whomever 
is doing the hunting -- but he can't bring the food back to 
camp if he doesn't know where the camp is). It is possible to spend 
"zero" hours hunting and still catch something; this represents making 
the best traveling time possible while still checking out potential 
targets along the way -- and getting lucky. 
   At the end of the day, add up the modifiers from the following 
chart, add the roll of 1d10, divide by 10, and subtract 1. The result, 
rounded off to the nearest whole number, is the number of 
person-ration-days obtained by the day's hunting efforts. 
   Fresh food can be kept for up to three days before it becomes 
inedible. The number of party members this food will feed is a 
function, to some extent, of who and what those members are. A giant 
consumes 3 human-sized rations per day, and even the smallest of the 
humanoids in the group consumes at least one ration a day. 

Condition                      Modifier 
Armed with a missile weapon    Rank with the weapon                 
Perception                     Perception 
Ranger skill (all types)       Rank 
Ranger in correct terrain      2 � Rank 
Per hour of hunting            +2 
In desert (or other waste)     -20 
In forest/swamp                +10 
 (or other life-dense) 
Hunting skill                  5 � Rank 

   Finding water is easier than finding food, for several reasons, not 
the least of which is the self-fulfilling prophecy that it simply is 
easier to find. Water doesn't hide; sources of water are much larger 
than the typical game animal; and one source will suffice for the 
entire party to slake its thirst. Searching for water occurs during 
the same time as normal hunting. Use the table above to determine some 
of the appropriate modifiers, but don't use the desert and 
forest/swamp modifiers or the missile-weapon modifier. For the effects 
of varying terrain on the chance of finding water, use the modifiers 

Terrain                              Modifier 
Mapped source of water in this hex   +90 
Forest                               +30 
Desert                               -30 
Swamp                                -10 
Other                                +15 

   The resulting number (using the same process described above for 
hunting) is the percentage chance of finding a water source during the 
   Good eating, and remember: The bears are using the same rules. 

### End of DragonQuest Newsletter v8/n01 -- 2003 ###