================================================================ || || || DRAGONQUEST Newsletter August 1996 || || || || Volume 3 / Number 8 || ================================================================ The DQ Newsletter is for discussions of the DragonQuest role playing game. The key addresses you need to know are: Philip Proefrock (Editor, Article Submissions, Etc.) dqn@ntsource.com David Nadler (Distribution Coordinator) David.Nadler@DaytonOH.NCR.COM Drake Stanton (FTP Site Coordinator) drache@netcom.com All articles are copyrighted property of their respective authors. Reproducing or republishing an article, in whole or in part, in any other forum requires permission of the author or the moderator. The DragonQuest Newsletter also maintains an ftp archive site: [ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/dr/drache] which includes back issues of the newsletter and other articles of interest to DragonQuest players and GMs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S [v3/n9] ================================================================= Editorial: Moving, Part 2 Letters -- John Davis -- Brent Jackson 'Heroes and Villains' Review -- Author Advertisements ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL: Moving, Part 2 ================================================================= [Another consequence of moving is setting up a new email address. I know I just changed it, but I have now added a simpler (and DragonQuest related) alias to my account for DQN business. The Newsletter editor address is now: dqn@ntsource.com -- ED] In the last month or so I have received a couple more notes asking if I know of any DQ campaigns in such-and-such a place. And, having myself moved over the summer (winter to those of you in the southern hemisphere), I too am looking for a group of local DQ players in my area. We have had a couple of these requests published in the Newsletter in the past, but never had a real policy about this. But since this Newsletter is trying to be a useful resource for DragonQuest players, it seems that a regular registry of players (and campaigns) looking for other DQ players would be useful. To this end, we are starting a "Players Looking For..." section to the Advertisements which normally appear at the end of each Newsletter. Whether or not this also gets picked up by one or more of the DQ websites remains to be seen, but the most current version will always be in the Newsletter. We will also run a listing of open campaigns (where additional players are welcome) if there is enough interest. Hereafter, any correspondence I receive about finding a campaign in your area will be taken as a request to be added to the list. I will only post the person's name, location, and email address (other contact can be arranged via email). Existing campaigns which are open to new players which would like to be listed should designate one person as contact, and I will list them in the same way. Hopefully this will lead to a few people making contact with other DQ players. ------------------------_L_E_T_T_E_R_S_-------------------------- ================================================================= Hi Phil, I have a chance to buy a Judges guild item for DQ titled 'Heroes and Villains'. Do you recall anything about it? As I will be DM perhaps a mini-review? Thanks -- John Davis (JRDA@WPO.NERC.AC.UK) [This suggests a useful series for the Newsletter, reviews of all of the existing DQ supplement products that were produced. Anyone interested in contributing a review of a DQ item (and I would really like to encourage other voices in writing these articles, so that I'm not doing it all) should probably contact me, but since we have such a small group, I don't think that there will be too much of a problem with someone else already working on it. In response to John's question, I have written up some of my thoughts about the item in question for this issue. -- ED.] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Re: Limited Precognition In reply to Vincent Yanda, this is how I play Limited Precognition. After the spell has been successfully cast, the player states a time in the future, up to the maximum time allowed. For the next pulse the mage sees what they would be seeing through their own eyes at that time in the future. I do not allow the player (or party) to say "If we ..." prior to casting. Instead, I decide on the most likely path or actions that the party will take based on my knowledge of the party and the scenario, and give what I think is the most likely result. (If I think they will be dead then I give total blackness, but differentiate it from sleeping). Although they can see through their own eyes, they cannot move their heads to look around so they just get a five second glimpse of the future. I do not then make the future fit the vision. What was seen was the future, if they hadn't done the precognition. Now that they have more information, their actions will be altered, and so probably will the future. -- Brent Jackson (Brent_Jackson@advgroup.co.nz) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 'HEROES AND VILLAINS' REVIEW -- Philip Proefrock (dqn@ntsource.com) ================================================================= 'Heroes and Villians' (sic) is a DragonQuest supplement written by Edward Mortimer and produced by the Judges' Guild (JG #900). It is a 46 page book of pregenerated characters for DragonQuest. As was the case with all Judges Guild productions, it suffers from low production values (cheap pulp paper, poor layout (the beginning paragraph(s) about the second character are missing), some really bad artwork, and even the title is misspelled!) all of which detract from the book. There are some bits in character histories and descriptions that may become plot elements, but there isn't really a whole adventure in any of this. Some of the characters are key to the 'Frontiers of Alusia' map (one of SPI's DQ supplements), but this adds virtually nothing. Beyond being just a set of NPCs, there are also a couple of small adventures hinted at in this supplement. There are several groups of affiliated characters, including a cavalry patrol, a pair of vampire hunters (as well as their prey), and a naval artillery crew. A tavern is also detailed (including floor plans, plus description of the inkeeper and his family). All told, 'Heroes and Villains' may be useful if creating NPCs is difficult for you, or if you want to have some other character ideas in your campaign. I've always been down on NPC books, and this doesn't do much to rise above the norm. Otherwise, it's something of more value to collectors than GMs. -- Philip Proefrock (dqn@ntsource.com) ------------------------ADVERTISEMENTS--------------------------- ================================================================= With apologies for this being off-topic, I thought some of the readers of the DQ newsletter might be interested to know that I've found a source for copies of another old SPI game, Universe, their science-fiction game. The copies are in very good condition, shrink-wrapped and with few nicks. As far as I could tell, all have the Universe star map poster included. They are for sale at "Flights of Fantasy," a scifi/fantasy/horror book store in Santa Monica, CA. Copies retail for $10.95 apiece (there are four left after I bought mine). The store can be reached at (310)917-9112 (voice), (310)395-8238 (fax), and via email at hsf@moneric.com. And, no, I don't work for them, I'm just an occasional customer. :) --Anthony Ragan (irishspy@worldnet.att.net) ======================SEEKING PLAYERS/GM========================= The following individuals are interested in finding other DragonQuest players or GMs in their area: Location-------Name------------------Email----------------------- Chicago IL Philip Proefrock psproefrock@ntsource.com Denton TX "Krow" karstenm@iglobal.net ======================DRAGONQUEST URLS:========================== NOTE: New URLs for the DragonQuest Home Page and the DragonQuest Newsletter Home Page! (If you know of any other DragonQuest related sites, please let us know.) --DragonQuest Home Page http://www.magna.com.au/~dja/dq/ --DragonQuest Newsletter Page http://www.ntsource.com/~psproefrock/dqn.html --DragonQuest Archive ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/dr/drache --Files at Negative Space (formerly Cerebus) Site {questionable} ftp://nspace.cts.com/pub/Role-Playing/Fantasy/DragonQuest/ gopher://nspace.cts.com/11ftp%3Apub%3ARole- Playing%3AFantasy%3ADragonQuest%3A --Shannon Appel's RPG Archives (DQ Index) ftp://ftp.csua.berkeley.edu/pub/rpg-index --Surge's (Unofficial) Mirror Archive http://www.cqs.washington.edu:80/~surge/gaming/dragonquest ############################################################# ### End of DragonQuest Newsletter v3/n8 -- August 1996 ### #############################################################